
Sunday, February 7, 2016

Day 3: Hong Kong

Day 3. I have listed places but no real step by step itinerary really. Just places to go. Because I'm the let's wing it kind of traveller. First stop for the day was Asia Travel Care Company Limited for our discounted tickets. We got off at Tsim Sha Tsui (TST) East.

Asia Travel Care Company Limited
Room 905, 9/F, New Mandarin Plaza, Tower A, 
14 Science Museum Road, TST East, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Telephone: (852) 3422 3805 / (852) 2369 9991

We each bought Madame Tussaud's (HKD245), Ocean Park (HKD385), Disneyland (HKD539), Peak Tram Return (HKD83), Ngong Ping Crystal Cabin Return (HKD255) for only around HKD1100. Most of our money went to entran ce tickets.

Stalking cute couples everywhere because no lovelife jk

Tsim Sha Tsui Station ► Central Station

Des Voeux Rd. Central

From Central Station, we walked Douglas St.Pottinger St.

Watch out for the super interesting logo of old pawnshops in Hong Kong: a bat holding a coin. It's hard to miss. The colors scream of chinese - red and gold. If I remember correctly, we passed by one in Douglas St.

I am in love with stone slab street Pottinger! From Lyndhurst Central to Wellington Street, they sell a lot of things. Somewhere around Stanley St., I bought a new lens cap (I think I lost my old one during the trip. Can't really remember - this is why I blog/write my thoughts bec my memory sucks). The attendant was nice enough to do my lens cap for me. I was struggling -.-

I also bought my 'pasalubong' for my friends here. I bought cats/bear/bulldog pins from a street artist because I would be disappointed in myself if I bought them the usual keychains (pasalubong keychain hater sorry not sorry - pero seriously how many keychains does one has to have. I only have like AN apartment key). I think I bought the wrong pasalubong for my male friends though. I have never seen them use my pasalubong so in a way it's like a keychain wth.

Hong Kong Police

We stopped at Hollywood Rd. SoHo finally! To the right, on Old Bailey St., they have a map shop. A MAP SHOP. Legit shop that sells old maps. It reminded me of History Channel's Pawnstars <3 

To the right, we continued down Wyndham Road to Lower Albert Road where you'll find the artsy The Fringe Club.

We also entered The Foreign Correspondent's Club where we had a little wine tasting session and other things Western. I was tempted to buy a wine and bring it back home but I had no baggage allowance.

Lower Albert Road ► Ice House Street

My ultimate goal from the moment we went to Central was to go to Duddell St. where I badly wanted to see the steps and gas lamps. Only to end up with...

...two gas lamps that did not even look the worth of half of what we walked. We ended up closely studying the lamp in attempt to alleviate ourselves of disappointment. There was also a shady Indian guy who kept on talking to us - I'm trying not to be racist but swear, he was trying to be super nice with small talks here and there that he ended up looking shady.

From Ice House St., we climbed back up to Lower Albert Road. Walking Hong Kong is a serious leg work I tell you. The entire time we were walking, it was up slopping.

The Peak is probably the best place to buy the usual HK souvenir. There was this one souvenir shop the my bestfriend and I wanted to do together... the shop would make a wax copy of your hands in front of you. You could hold hands, do a pinky promise or just an open palm. Sadly, it was already closed on our return. Will come back for you wax shop when I finally get a boyfriend jk. With my sister most probably.

Also, do visit my restaurant there Tien Yi v^.^v

Like in Macau Tower, though there was no more hesitation this time, we skipped Sky Terrace 428 (HKD 48).

I can still take super awesome photograph of Hong Kong's night skyline even without your added leverage Sky Terrace! HKD48 psh.

All raw shots. Swear.

I stopped myself from posting all the fangirling photos I took of myself and my idols (David Beckham, Hello Kitty, Zhang Ziyi, etc). We certainly took our time in Madame Tussaud's. Shared a HKD13 instant ramen with my bff after.

Bank of China Tower

Back to Garden Road, we passed by St. John's Cathedral and Court of Final Appeal, went through Cheung Kong Park to get to HSBC Headquarters Building.

HSBC Headquarters Building

This building is one of my must go-to because I read somewhere that if you rub the lion's head (not this lion), you'll get lucky. Yeees, I'm superstitious like that. You will see more of my superstitions in the next posts.

HSBC Building ► Des Voeux Rd Central ► Pedder St. ► Queen's Rd Central ► D'Aguilar St.

Lan Kwai Fong

A few years back, I've watched Wilson Chin's Lan Kwai Fong movie wherein couples met at Lan Kwai Fong, fell in love and eventually got married there. Ever since then, I told myself that one day I'd go to Lan Kwai Fong and drink there.

And I did! Aaand it was an experience my friends will never forget about me. I wasn't that drunk but my anxiety slash claustrophobia attacked so I was like praying the whole ride to not vomit and get jailed at Hong Kong. Recently, my friend sent me a picture of Tsing Tao saying that she remembered me. Idk what to feel about my friends remembering because of Tsing Taos...

Day 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6&7

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