Thanks a lot ach. //Couldn't PS her out of the way. Need more skills
Valentine's Day is something I always look forward to. I usually receive flowers and yang chow from my mom this time of the year. No romance in my life whatsoever. I prefer it that way.
Upon entering college, I planned to eat good food every Valentine's. Barely a month after last year's Valentine's, I was already planning where to eat for next year's. That's how enthusiastic I am about this day.
Then came the awaited week of February. My friends in uni and I were planning to go on a food trip at Maginhawa but then accounting quiz for next week happened. The nerd that me and my friends are postponed the trip to study. I was so disappointed. Like, I kept thinking about this day for a year you know?! So I asked my roommates to go eat steak with me instead but they both have a... date. Now I feel bitter.
I was so resolved in eating good food on Valentine's Day that I was willing to go eat alone surrounded by people in couple tees acting sickeningly sweet (my bitterness talking).
Top: When Uan Met Sally - you can find handcrafted items here like bags (I love their bags but it's so expensive. It costs P4000 each!) ; Bottom: Wums ARTreat Cafe
I was so lucky that that day, my cell group (bible study group) decided that we will be having our Valentine's group date at Maginhawa. Talk about God making way for my plans.

From Philcoa, atsi Hanna and I walked Maginhawa. Entering every cafe we passed by to find a place to study (I told you I was nerdy XD). The Baker's Table was the first cafe that wasn't filled and with working aircon.
The Baker's Table was recognized by The Philippine Daily Inquirer for having the Best Desserts of 2014. And indeed, their concept was unique. They used popular kid snacks for the flavors of their cakes (Milo Mousse, Ovaltine, Lala Crinkles, Flat tops, Haw haw, etc).
I got potchi cheesecake and atsi got Butter ball cake for P110/slice. I thought the cake would taste weird but 'twas quite good.
I also got Arabica Coffee for P70 for one of that coffee press thingy which could fill two cups. We stayed for about 5 hours there and got to see a lot of kids flock the store with their haughty moms. For some reason, we also got invited to join a rowing team.
Atsi Wabel jamming with the performer which looks like the younger version of my Statistics prof lol
Blacksoup Cafe + Artspace
If I ever got some pasta, you'd know which one I'd pick hahaha
I got lambchop with asparagus for P275 + P15 rice. It wasn't that special. I was so disappointed.
With my cell group who made my Heart's Day special.
//Bad write-up as always (because I was trying to rush this post)
Hello Teni, who says bad write up? Keep on writing.