On the 17th day of the 8th month, I turned 18. I'll let you do the math to when that was ;)
I didn't want a a party because I was socially awkward like that. So, my parents just flew to Manila for my birthday and stayed 'til the end of the month. And when they weren't visiting me on weekends, they were touring Luzon - I. was. so. so. so. jealous. It's like it isn't my birthday lol
Oh and since my grandma was still in Luzon, I decided to just have a BBQ party at my aunt's place. To sum it up, all I wanted was BBQ, Tempura and a cake for my birthday.
My birthday fell on a Sunday. Saturday, I still had classes (How sad is that?). As I was walking to my classroom, my coerced male classmates - my professor even - started giving me roses. Then my friends popped out and gave me a cheesecake - an OREO CHEESECAKE! They've actually been planning it for a week and I haven't got the slightest hint that they did. That is how insensitive I am. Okay. It was really sweet. I mean, I didn't expect them to do that since we've only known each other for like a year. I know some of you guys read my blog... I wanna say Thank you. Even though I had my poker face on, deep inside I was doing a happy dance ;)
(So sad I didn't have any picture)
Unfortunately, the week after my birthday was coordinated quiz week so I had to like study the whole weekend TT_TT I didn't even have the time to buy a new dress. At 12 am, my bestfriend foiled the plan of my mom (who stayed up late so she could be the first one to greet me) by calling me in the wee hours.
We were having my celebration at the rooftop.
...when I got there, this is what I saw...
I kind of got the hint that there was some kind of surprise like the cliched surprise group greeting - which did happen - when my dad said something along the lines of: "Sabay tayo umakyat ha". How obvious could my dad get?
I wasn't expecting they'd actually decorate the place though. Thank you po sa effort~
If other girls had pre-debut photoshoot, I had during debut photoshoot lol. Glad to have an art-student cousin <3
The food was great. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water. I got my cake from Karen's Kitchen (beside the chocolate one) which was indeed as the reviews say the best red velvet cake. Too bad the design was damaged during transportation but for sure I'll be getting myself one for Valentine's next year. Yes. I give myself cakes during Valentine's. My life is sad jk
Thanks a lot to the girls on the right for dwarfing me ...err... making the celebration special.

The surprise apparently doesn't end there. My cousins compiled messages and videos from my friends all over Philippines lol which made me cry - which I think is their main goal.
Some time during the program, my dad changed his top into this horrifying shirt. I cried. I didn't know if it were tears of joy or tears of embarrassment. My sister who was sadly back at home, was wearing the same shirt that night.
The embarrassment doesn't stop there of course... my mom gave me a set of that shirt: a pink, white and brown shirt. Plus a mug. I. am. so. not. using. it.
The highlight of my birthday was definitely when my grandma cried. She was the one who basically raised me since my parents were always busy working and she is someone who isn't showy when it comes to her feelings. So when she cried instead of giving me her message, I was so happy deep inside v^.^v
I may be 18 now, but rest assured I won't be getting married or getting pregnant or getting jailed any time soon. Hoping to save my millions in the near future though hahaha
You know who you are. Thank you for making my day special. I am blessed to have you grace my life :)
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