
Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Best Mom in the World

Happy Mom's Day

...I can't remember the last time I made an effort to do more than greet my mother on Mother's Day. I've always had the knack of forgetting days like these and even their birthdays. I think I might've under-appreciated my mother for years.

I used to make cards with stick people representing my family holding hands together and 'I love yous' written on the side of the card in my scrawny handwriting (not that it made a difference in my current one). One day, I just stopped making them. I grew out of it. I thought it was lame, writing the same things all over again each year. Instead, I gave mom gifts which I think was given half-heartedly because I lack funds to actually buy the gift I wanted to give her.

Today, I was touched by a message of a boy from our Church. He was in the middle of his message for his mom when he started tearing up. You all know how big men's egos are usually right? The fact that he cried in front of all those people whilst telling his mom how much he loves her made me sentimental. I wondered how I would do if I were in his place... Would I tear up too?

I cannot express my love for my mom in a paragraph without tearing up and getting sappy so instead, I'm going to write the reasons why I think I have the best mom in the world

11 (and more) Reasons Why I Have The Best Mom In The World:

1. She carried me for 9 months + gave birth to a beautiful baby (ME! ;D )
2. She makes me study Spartan-like (I get like 3 wrong answers and she whips my butt. Nah. Just kidding. She makes me re-read all my textbooks).
3. She's like Peter Pan, she never grows old (my classmates thought she was my older sister)
4. She's an FBI/manghuhula/secret agent/ninja, she knows what I did without seeing it.
5. She secretly buys me stuffs that my Dad and Grandma opposes to.
6. My mom is a wizard, she can conjure up money in times of troubles.
7. She has superb budgeting skills (which she tries so hard to instill to me).
8. She's actually the one who invites me to go jogging, play lawn tennis and ride a bicycle.
9. She thinks more of me than herself.
10. She can make me cry even if we're only Skyping.
11. She loves me very much
12. ...and the list goes on...

A list of the reasons why I have the best mom in the world can't justify why my mom is the best. She just is (for me anyways). So much for my long blog post of nonsense only my mom would probably appreciate, I just wanna say one last time...

Happy Mother's Day Mama!
From: Your beautifully made daughter who will stick by you through thick and thin.

PS. I Love You

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