
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Camp by the sea

wooosh... wooosh...
Goes the sea breeze day and night.
Marian Beach, Glan
If you've been following my updates on twitter or facebook, you'll probably feel like puking everytime I mention how badly I want to go to the beach.
Aaaand finally! After two years, I was able to soak in something natural and bask in warm sunlight!
This is one of the perks of being a student council member.
Photo by: Nekki Guintibano
From top left to right: Me, Icelle, Reydodo, Althea, Ivany, Aira, KC, Pinky, Katherine, Carriz, Nekki
It's not all work, there's also play included.

Photo by: Nekki Guintibano

Photo by: Nekki Guintibano
We buried Elyzah and shaped her like a mermaid with shells for bras.
Photo by: Nekki Guintibano
My eyes looks like straight lines drawn on my face with a marker.
Photo by: Nekki Guintibano
Me. Role-playing as a goose.
Photo by: Nekki Guintibano
Awkward smile-turned-into-lip-biting

My handwriting a la chicken scratch
I felt so inferior in terms of my handwriting especially when I see the previous treasurer's handwriting (YES. I actually won!). I was like, 'does my handwriting have to be that nice when I succeed the position?'

Me and Althea derping around

Aira (Student Council President), Althea (Student Council Governor), Me (Student Council Treasurer *cough cough*)
Summer is not complete without watery fruits!
It was fun!
Really really really fun.
SRSLY, I describe every experience fun.
I thought that the evaluation camp would be boring. EVALUATION - with a word like that in a sentence, who would think it would be fun. I thought it was all paper works and long boring speeches. It was actually the opposite though.
Photo by: Nekki Guintibano
Gone were the boring speeches and tons of paperworks. Fine. Paperworks were there but it was fun doing it because Aira was camwhoring(literally camwhoring) and her pictures were hilarious!
Photo by: Nekki Guintibano
We had a bonfire and ate smores. We slept out in the beach while we guarded our castle. I was an awful guard according to my teammates. Lah.
The night was great(The skies were clear and the stars were shining brightly) and the following day was better. We toured the area riding on a small boat before we departed.
Two days and one night seemed too short when you're having fun.

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