
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

21st of December

Twenty-first of December.
- last day of school before December break
- last Christmas Party

Ecstatic? Happy? No.


First, I had to constantly go out of the class because of some matters I had to attend to as the school's student cashier (treasurer in short).

Second, it happened to be the glorious day when Aunt Flo decided to visit and stain not only my equally red pants but the rest of the day.

My classmate was (I bet) glaring at me the whole time. I coaxed him. HIM. to let me borrow his jacket. He was hesitant at first but eventually gave in. What I did next? I wrapped his jacket around my waist, so that my stain won't get seen haha. Poor guy. But heeey, he was a good friend to even let me borrow his jacket <333 Thank you!

Third, everyone kept on insulting my femininity indirectly.

I was carrying a bouquet of roses that day. It was intended as a funny gift for my best friend. Every time, someone sees me carrying the bouquet, they would stare and our conversation would go along these lines:

"Who's that from?"
*looks at me skeptically* "reaaaally?"
"I don't believe you"

THAT is a huge femininity ego deflator. I mean... is it that unbelievable for someone like me to receive flowers? Except for that one time when a classmate gave me a wilted one? The answer might unfortunately be yes. Yes because everybody who knows me well enough knows that my love life is nonexistent, that I would prefer gushing about fictional characters than real guys anytime and that I practically live in an isolated world than them because I don't seem to know 80% of the people at school both by name and by face (even if they're popular).


Long story short, I didn't enjoy this year's Christmas Party due to some rather annoying inconveniences that seemed to pop out like mushrooms that day.


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