
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Twisted Paradigm

‘Welcome to pornhub where all your S & M fantasies come to life’.

A month ago, you trended hashtag “#NoToCyberCrimeLaw” on twitter. It trended worldwide for weeks. A record broken for the Philippines! A month ago, you started another history of revolt. More than half of Facebook population changed their profile pictures to black. Another record for the Pearl of the Orient Seas!

You, Jus, Department of Social Welfare and Development spokesperson was awarded numerous recognitions for your work. You were ‘The Voice’ of the slaves and the trafficked.

You hurry your way out of the bustling city shadowed by the setting sun like every worker out there. Scrambling into your apartment, the first thing you did was not wash up or cook dinner. You turned your computer on. Logged in. And opened a site.

‘Ah ah ah’ blasted from your speakers. You smiled as you browsed to the child category. Your heart thumped loudly at what you were about to do. With the passing of R.A. 10175 better known, as the Cybercrime Law a month ago, what you were about to do was illegal.

You stopped.

You clicked buy. After all, there’s a saying that goes, ‘the forbidden it is, the sweeter it gets’. After minutes of tapping your foot, the screen came into life. The child in the screen looked nervously side-to-side. The child’s shoulder shuddered at every little movement. The child was afraid. And you…, you were sinfully aroused.

In that split of second that the child looked at the camera, a whip came lashing from behind. UGH! The child’s face contorted in anguish. She bit her lip from stopping her grunts. It bled. - That was just the start. Appetizer as you have kindly put it.

“Strip.” – you whispered. As if your wish was granted, a naked man made its appearance. The child thrashed around, kicked and punched. Futile, it was. The man was much bigger than the child was. In a blink, the child was stripped of garments, bent in front of the screen and thoroughly thoroughly violated.

Screams filled your small abode you call home. There was no room for disgust. Your eyes were dark. You had paid for this entertainment and you were gonna enjoy it to the fullest.

BAM! NBI came pouring in. You were shocked to the point that your hand halted midway in stroking yourself. In a flash your hands were out of your skivvies, cuffed to your back and your face flat into the keyboard. From your vista, you could see Hope, the child you paid to be violated against her will. Yes, HOPE.

Hope was not screaming anymore. She was in the same position you are in, slumped in front of the computer. Staring. Staring. All she did was stare back with a blank look on her eyes. She did not avert her gaze nor did she blink. You closed your eyes and admitted defeat. You, Jus, had broken Hope. Just like all the battered children in your work, just like how you had been your whole life, Hope was beyond repair and you were caught in the act of breaking her.

You are called ‘Justice’. A month after successfully fighting for the approval of CyberCrime Bill implementation, you were found guilty of supporting child trafficking in exchange for sexual satisfaction. You. You, Justice Magpantay, are a twisted paradigm.


Practice article for NSPC 2013

//This article got the best feedback from the teachers who critiqued it.

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