
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Book review: Divergent & Insurgent by Veronica Roth

The usual, either you survive or die. To kill or to be killed. Ultimatum and stuffs - you'll get it here. Adrenaline junkie? You'd love this book. Unlike me, who prefers the teen flowers and chocolates, I had a hard time trying to continue reading. I kept on pausing. Trying to steady myself.

It's a lot like Hunger Games (If you've read it and liked it, you would like this one too!).  In comparison to Hunger Games, this series is a lot better. Not speaking of the plot. The way it was written is a lot of steps higher than Hunger Games. If you knew me in real life, you'd get tired of how much I ranted about the way the Hunger Games were written especially the first book. Oh and if you were, left hanging by Peeta and Katniss' romance, you would love this. There's a lot of romance between Four (Tobias) and Tris (Beatrice) as well as the other characters.

The romance between Four and Tris plus the home of the Dauntless kept me incorporating it with 50 Shades of Grey. Four is kinda Christian Grey in a different environment. Less jealous, more caring.

What I  learned from this book? Your family. Friends. Acquaintances - You never really know them. When it calls to it, they'd probably abandon you. No matter what the reason, even when it's for a greater good, if it hurts them, they'll leave you. Most of all, you can't help but choose when the ultimatum comes. But oh well, there's a big gap between this world and theirs.

“People, I have discovered, are layers and layers of secrets. You believe you know them, that you understand them, but their motives are always hidden from you, buried in their own hearts. You will never know them, but sometimes you decide to trust them.”

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