
Sunday, March 10, 2013

A shot of false liberation

Slowly, you ruined her. At first, it was a neophyte’s try. It was like stabbing her at the back. Wounded, but not enough for the kill.

Booze at every table, girls in skimpy clothes, sweat glistening under the sinful light - it was a whole new world opposite to what was taught.

By 12, the deserted house was in full swing. The club was crowded, hot, and people were connected hip by hip. To move was to squish against bodies. To drink meant you either suffer from depression or you want a casual one-night stand. To dance was to flirt and welcome groping with open arms.

The putrid smell of different kinds enters your nose. From sweat to perfumes, it wouldn’t matter. What would was how you’d groove and blend in the crowd.

Girls you knew from school and even guys that never seemed the type to party is there. You watch them as they move expertly through the crowd as if partying was second nature. You observe them and realize they were a new kind of specie in the dance floor.

Slowly, you find the courage to do what everyone else is doing. You start by shredding your shawl; cat walked like everybody else into the dance floor and follow the groove.

The second and the next time that followed, it was like a bullet shot through the heart. Killed in a breathe.

You go into a club, you do not see yourself. But you are there, standing in the middle of the crowd, shedding every dignity you’ve got like everybody else. This time, it is you who is observed. It is you who sets example to the neophytes that you used to be.

You know the reason but you did not fight for her contentions, you neglected her values and principles just like everybody else.

You swing your hair and grind your hips into another’s to get into the groove under the sinful light. Your modesty is long gone and Maria Clara is dead. You killed her. A bullet of false liberation through her heart.

Published: Marist Sentinel 2012
Original & Unedited version title: As of this Time: Maria Clara is Dead

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