
Friday, November 23, 2012

Time is running out

Did this in a rush (for about 40 minutes) because our school paper adviser asked for 2 articles to be submitted by that afternoon. When I was about to submit it, he told me the concept that he really wanted. This one went to trash. I submitted another article -___- This one is more of a story...

I've got tons of articles to blog (both Filipino and English) but I still have to wait until our school paper gets published... So students from my school can have something to look forward to :D

October 10, 2099 – I am 25 for the third time.

The first ray of lights infiltrated my vision. Then I knew, I must get ready for work. I did my daily routine and as I set out into the kitchen, I saw a generous meal of bacons and eggs rather than the usual instant noodles.

I yelped in surprise as familiar arms snaked its way to my waist. “Happy Birthday”, he whispered.

Today, I turn 25 yet again. In real time, I am 75 but my face, my body; it will forever remain like my 25-year old self. I am lucky to have even reached this old when others have barely even reached a year after their clock started.

Who has time? A thousand years ago, everyone did. Now, gone are the times when one can walk leisurely as if he’s got all the time in the world. Only the fortunate ones can live. Life is a battle. Not for money, not for fame but for time.

Your life, it depends on how much time you earn.  Everyday, a corpse is stowed away. Day by day, I live to earn just enough time for a few hours to live by.

Hours later, as I walked to our meeting place, I find corpses being stowed away. I find them in streets, on sidewalks and pretty much everywhere. Death is common and it is everywhere.

“How much?”, I asked the bus driver. I halt my hand as I was moving it to the counter. I stared at the driver in surprise.

“Two hours”, the driver said. I fought to find my voice. I managed to stutter out, “Bu-but it was just an hour yesterday!”

I checked my time. An hour and thirty minutes. I’ve got an hour and thirty minutes to live. I begged the driver, I begged the passengers. I begged them to pay for me just until the next stop. I would have my husband refund the time, but no one did. No one showed mercy. Everybody is clinging to their time just as I am doing with mine.

In a hurry, I ran out of the bus and into the street.

30 minutes…

I ran towards the direction of the next stop.

10 minutes…

I knew it was futile but I still did.

5 seconds…

I can’t see where I’m running to anymore. My tears are streaming down my face. Everything is a blur. I succumb to my fate. I’m gonna be just like every other corpse in the street. I’m gonna be stowed too in the morning.

1 second…

On my last breath, I asked no one in particular….

What if time was your money? You run out of it, you die. 

[Could you guess which movie, I based this from ?]

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