
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Work hard, wait for that shot and aim for bull's eye

We had a try out/elimination or a practice of some-sort for feature writing. Our school paper adviser chose random objects around the room... and he chose: a slingshot and a starting gun. So yeah, here's my feature article about it

Everybody has a shot in life, theirs just proved to be a little better.

Standing tall and proud was the mighty Goliath. The mere sight of him sent Israelites running for their lives. The war between Philistine and Israel was going against the Israelites. All hope was lost until a frail shepherd too a step. He was David -- David the shepherd who had never been to a war or know its norms. His stature was a joke and weapon of choice was a laughter. He planned to fight a giant thrice his size with a child's weapon, a slingshot. Mocked with laughter, he was unaffected. He took his stand and fired with all his might.

A loud bang resonated throughout the large stadium and in a fleet of second was muffled useless by the crowd of different colors. A bang was merely a sound to everyone. To athletes who have lived more than half their life's dedication for the honor of their country, it was more than that. It was life flashed before their eyes. There was the past, the rigorous and almost inhumane training of both sweat and blood. There was also the glimpse of the future -- the irreplaceable glory he would bring to his country. The bang was the cue to begin his future. The rest was up to him.

Where is David now? On numerous literary pieces, he is there claiming his victory and throne. He is there on those pages, forever remembered not as a shepherd who was mocked and laughed at but as a shepherd who took his shot at life.

He was Usain Bolt, the fastest runner alive. His shot came as fast as his will. Victory chased him because of his determination. Luck was merely a piece, everything else was hard work achieved throughout the years.

Everybody has but one shot. It might be a shot everybody thought to be futile but it can be the shot that can change the course of your life forever. Work hard, wait for that shot and aim for bull's eye. Who knows, your life might change from here onwards.

When I passed my work. Our school paper adviser told me to go back to him. He started showing me the other feature writers' articles and started putting marks on it. He wrote feature on mine and editorial and story on the others. He said that if he was the one to judge based on the introduction, my article was a feature while the others were editorial and story. He said that he won't read my article though, because my handwriting was bad T_T So... I rewrote my article (though my handwriting is still bad but I added tons of spaces so it'd look a little better. Lah).