
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My hug buddy

Meet my 'hug buddy', Althea.

I often hug my best friend, Neslin when I'm cold but she's not a big fan of touchy feelings and would often push me away. She's also a sadist so I suggest you don't get in her way. On the other hand, I don't like hugging my other best friend, Mabelle because she's too tall (like coconut tall Hahaha) and my head can't rest on her shoulder when I hug her and she's not fat (I like hugging people with a lot of fats rather than bony people). Lah.

And then... here I meet Althea, the girl with the same fetish for hugging people like me. She hugs people because she's eccentric. I hug people because I can't stand the cold. And NO, I don't hug guys! I only hold their arms when I'm cold. I prefer hugging girls because hugging guys would seem inappropriate... Well, you get the drill.

We gave each other that cheesy nickname since we love hugging people (and each other HA!).


Huggie, for some reason (probably because of your awesomeness ;) ) I'm missing you. And if ever you're reading this blog post, don't forget my 'pasalubong'. Food will do. You of all people would know how much I love food XD. This would probably be the hidden reason of why I'm missing you and writing this blog post. Just kidding.

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