
Monday, November 18, 2013

The Fault In You

We condemn the corrupt. We blame the government. We criticize the incompetency of PNoy. And yet, we do not find the fault in us.
Did we think that a man no matter how much power he holds could stop the devastation that happened? I think not. Devastation has been rooted in our cultures for centuries. It will and it will happen again. For the years to come, it will get worse. It may not just be Visayas anymore, even the places that has never experienced a "typhoon" may come to know it.
So what is my point really? My point is, it doesn't get us anywhere to put the blame in others. My point is, the fault is in us. My point is, we should apply the big word CHANGE.
Don't we bash that kid with the worn out clothes? that guy on the street who has a Nokia 3310? that classmate who recycles his notebook? those thrifty people we know who wouldn't buy new stuffs until the old one dies? If you do all those, then you're in the group. You have a herd mentality my friend.
And what does herd mentality benefit us? It oppresses the third world countries (us!). It used up a third of Earth's natural resources. It vanished 80% of our original forests, 40% of water resources and produces 4,000,000,000 pounds of pollution every year. Great isn't it? We all literally take in garbage. Oh and it doesn't end there. Where do you think all our garbages go to?
It's not just you, it's me and about 90% of the world's population too. We all want that new phone in the market even though we have a perfectly working one. We all want that new xxx that xxx models. We all want this. We all want that. But the thing is, we never needed all those. It just satisfies what the society wants us to look and to buy for the benefit of selected group of people.
It elevates the economy. Yes. But to what extent? To the point where the only known livable planet to crumble, wither and die? Is the temporary satisfaction worth the destruction of our planet? Contemplate and reflect. I wouldn't dare tell you what to do. You change what you think needs to be changed or live the moment and forget the what the future might bring.

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